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Vol. 1 - No. 2

Lauren Ipsum 2

Lauren Ipsum 2
One of Us

November 22, 2019

Who would’ve known you’d end up this way? Fighting for a place in society and just wishing and wishing that you’d somehow magically fit in. Making up countless scenarios in your mind that someone would come and save you and give you a better place to be in. It’s very convenient, is it not? To hope that somehow life would create a path for you so easy to take that you’d just practically glide over it, but the truth is, none of that’s gonna happen.

Change starts with you. As Newton’s law of motion states; an object at rest stays at rest unless a net force acts on it. In this analogy, the object is your life, and the only one that can produce that net force is you, because in the end, if not you, who?

Nobody in this life is going to love you as much you’re going to love yourself. Maybe not today, or the next day. Maybe the self-hate won’t stop even after a very long time, but there will be a day in the future that the oxygen that enters your lungs no longer feels like poison to you. The day will come when every step you take towards the future won’t feel like you’re walking on eggshells, but rather soft fabric. Your vision won’t be blurred by the tears brimming in your eyes, but it’ll be crystal clear, and you’ll see the world for what it is, and you’ll accept the drive in your heart to help change for the better. It’s only a matter of time before you begin to heal and help yourself, because it all starts from within.

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